Sunday, 17 January 2016

The only speaker of his tongue

For many, language is not just a means of communication,for others language has the ability to bind a nation. It is unique to a nation or an entire area. However, some languages are often on the brink of extinction and this is due to the fact that no one really speaks them. language can be a powerful tool which empires an individual or a group.

“When I think of my tongue being no longer alive in the mouths of men a chill goes over me deeper than my own death, since it is the gathered death of all my kind”. This quote really stood out to me, the author emphasises the importance of a mother tongue among tribes, saying “it is the gathered death of all my kind”, the author suggests that with language comes an entire set of beliefs customs and most importantly a unique culture, one that utilises their mother tongues as more than a means of communication, but rather an empowering tool. Moreover, I do understand the author’s bold statement, some idioms in a language when translated directly to another loses meaning and loses significance, it simply does not make sense. Furthermore, this quote highlights the emotional attachment between the author and his language, as if his language is a physical part of him, the author suggests that the chills of death aren't as deep as the chills of losing his language, this shows the meaning and significance of language to man, something that unites people and enables them to communicate. Furthermore, we understand the pain that losing his language brings to the author, an emotional pain something much deeper than physical pain. Thus, language has the ability to form an emotional attachment with someone, an attachment that one cannot describe and attachment that if lost, brings about pain and distress.

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